Which Water is Best for Your CPAP Machine?
Can I Use Regular, Spring, or Distilled Water in My CPAP?
Being treated for your sleep apnea with a CPAP machine is an essential step towards improving your sleep and health. Wondering which water is best for your new CPAP machine? To many new CPAP enthusiasts' surprise, there are right and wrong types of water to use! Read on to learn more about the ins and outs of different waters' effects.
Manufacturers recommended skipping regular water and spring water for use in CPAP machines. Using distilled water is the best choice for the machine's longevity and your health! Distilled water helps ensure that users get the maximum use from CPAP devices while keeping airways and machine components free of any unwelcome contaminants.
Why You Should Use Distilled Water
- Helps give the sleeper the right amount of air pressure
- Prevents bacteria from getting into airways
- Reduces mineral deposits on machine components
- Maximizes the lifespan of the CPAP machine's tubing
Hazards of Using the Wrong Type of Water
Not yet convinced? If you decide not to use distilled water in your CPAP machine, there are many health and safety hazards. Tap water will remain "hard" even after boiling, meaning it still contains minerals like calcium and magnesium. Over time, these minerals will cause a buildup that can be harmful to airways, and even break down the tube's plastic. Like the name would imply, filtered water is seemingly clean. But really, it doesn't entirely remove harsh chemicals and living organisms.
Are you getting tired of struggling with your CPAP machine? Schedule a virtual appointment to discuss your sleep issue with a specialist.